The most profound side affect of my medication is drowsiness, but if I take them before bed, I am relatively pain free for most of the following day. That's if I remember. I admit I have a habit of forgetting them, or procrastinating until it's too late (like at 4:00 am). BabyMan has done his best to remind me and encourage me to take my meds more seriously and diligently... to no avail. I am foolishly hopeless and hopelessly foolish as I never seem to put my medication high on my list of priorities.
This evening was the last straw. BabyMan had reached the end of his patience. We both knew the bottle was almost empty, and I had put off refilling my prescription as I had been down to my very last pill for a while. That little capsule has been bouncing around inside of that big red bottle like a bebe in a box car for days as I have been putting off my errand... not out of wilful disobedience, or a lack of desire to feel better, but simply out of forgetfulness, misplacing the bottle, and general inconvenience when I did remember. I had been substituting the pill with the over the counter Aleve for days, and it was obviously not doing it's job... because BabyMan was noticing the stiffness in my walk and the pain on my face.
So this evening we both sat in the den watching television, he sprawled out on the couch, and me at the computer. It had gotten dark and I was fighting to stay awake to watch the end of Law and Order. BabyMan notice me nodding in and out, and asked "Did you take your pill tonight?"
"Uh... no, not yet."
"Go take it now."
"Okay... when this is over."
"No. Go take it right now. You'll forget and crawl into bed when this is over."
I sighed and looked around the room as I tried to remember where I had left it, and indeed, when I even last had it.
"Do you even know where it is?"
"Um..." I was sleepy. We had eaten a couple hours earlier, and I wanted to lay down more than anything.
"I don't know where it is, but I think it's empty anyway." I knew there was one left in there, but I didn't want to go searching for it.
"You think?"
"Yeah, it's empty," I said with a more definite resolve.
"Go find the bottle."
"What for? It's empty." The lie was sounding more believable even to myself.
"Bring the bottle to me."
Damn! he wasn't going to let this go. I could tell another lie to cover my last lie by telling him that I threw it away... and for a split second I considered it just to get out of this. But I knew better. I rose from the computer chair, winced at the pain in my hips, and slowly dragged my feet out of the room to my bedroom dresser to look for the bottle. It wasn't there, and now I was irritated that he was sending me on a wild goose chase when all I wanted to do was sleep. I marched back in the den and sat back down defiantly. "Screw it, I can't find it, I'll find it tomorrow." I announced.
"You can't find the bottle... then go get the paddle," he said as he sat up and placed a pillow on the floor between his legs, a position I was all too familiar with.
"Oh, you gotta be kidding me!"
"The bottle or the paddle. What's it gonna be?"
I decided it sure as hell wasn't going to be the paddle. I stood up and went into the front room to look for the bottle. The kitchen, the living room, the dining room table... It was nowhere.
When I returned to the den, I whined like a tired 3-year-old. "I can't find it!"
"Then get the paddle," he said again. He was beginning to sound like a broken record.
No way! I went to the bathroom, and then to the bathroom in the master bedroom. It had to be here somewhere. Dammit, why can't I remember?
There was clearly no way out of this. I decided to simply get this over with as it was the only way I was ever going to get any sleep. I went to the bedroom and grabbed the paddle from the hook on the wall, went back to the den and roughly shoved it at him. Tears of exhaustion and humiliation gathered at the corners of my eyes as I knelt on the pillow between his feet. He lifted my chin with his finger and told me to lower my sweat pants.
"You need to take your medication more seriously," he said quietly. "You need to know where it is at all times and you need to take it consistently."
I suppressed the need to yawn and I nodded my head.

"Really? Did you take it last night when I reminded you?"
"Yeah. I think so."
"You think so? Either you did or you didn't."
"I... I couldn't find it last night."
"So that was a lie."
I didn't answer. he guided me over his left knee and I grabbed the throw pillow and buried my face.
"We're going to refill that prescription tomorrow, and you're going to keep it in one place so that you can always find it. Understand?"
He started spanking me with the paddle, softly at first, and then it got harder as he continues to talk. "And when I tell you to take your pill, you're going to take it immediately, and not put it off until you're too tired and you forget."
My bottom was beginning to sting and I sobbed quietly as I fought to remain still.
"Now, where are you going to keep your bottle from now on?"
I lifted my face out of the pillow and shrugged my shoulders.
"Pick a place. Now." WHAP!
"Ow! Um... okay... the copper platter on the kitchen counter."
"Good place. I'll keep my meds there too, so we'll both remember. We'll support each other, okay?"
"Okay," I said as I put my face back in the pillow and cried some more as he finished off the spanking with some well placed strikes to my sit spot.
When he was done, he lifted me up, handed me the paddle, and I staggered off top the bedroom where I replaced it on the wall and collapsed on the bed falling asleep without undressing.
I never could win these little battles of the wills. But for some reason, I keep trying every once in a while.
ReplyDeleteI would definitely say pick the bottle! I have JRA and I know the pain that you speak of. I am not sure what medicne you take but, if you were refering to should really take it daily as perscribed. These medicnes have a cumulative effect, you really will feel better the longer you are on it and it needs to be consistantly!!! I am sure that you know this and it appears that BabyMan drove that point home. I hope you are feeling well soon!!! Don't forget to fill that script!
Hugs, SugarAnne. It stinks that you have a reason to need the pills at all. Just think -- in Heaven, we'll have no pain, no pills, and no paddles. Until then, you better take the pills.
ReplyDeleteI did one even worse. I was supposed to refill Ramon's pain medication, and I procrastinated, not realizing that it needed doctor authorization for the refill. He had to be without it for 48 hours, and nothing else cut the pain. I felt terrible. Never again!
" I never could win these little battles of the wills. But for some reason, I keep trying every once in a while. "
ReplyDeletewell you wouldn't be SugarAnne otherwise lol :)
Seriously keep a reminder on your cell. You don't even have to keep it everyday, you can set the everyday preference on it. And take it when the reminder goes off, no matter what you're doing.
take care :)
Oh, Sugar, honey! Davey is real sweet, he reminds me every morning and every night to take my meds; sometimes I have beaten him to it, but more often than not, he reminds me before I have remembered myself, so I know what you mean! Why don't you keep the pills next to your computer, ;) you are on that daily...and take it before settling down to chat!!! xxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteYou're absolutely right, I need to take my meds more consistently. I think subconsciously I looked at my medication as one of those irritating little details of life like closing the closet doors, or keeping the remotes in the correct rooms. If I skipped a day or two, or forgot it or misplaced it, it wasn't a big deal. I was actually getting to the place where I was becoming accustomed to the pain, and it was an uncomfortable, but normal part of my everyday life. I think BabyMan was noticing that I was becoming complacent, and refused to allow that to happen. You gotta love the guy for that.
Hey, Alex,
I'm pretty scatterbrained when it comes to these things, and if I were responsible for filling B'Man's prescriptions, I can see myself dropping the ball there a few times as well. But somehow I see his health and welfare a lot more important than my own. I think he's trying to get me out of that mind set. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to heaven. I'm getting tired of all these annoying little details.
Oh, Alujna,
I'm seeing a pattern in your comments, girlfriend. You really know how to utilize your cell phone for reminding you of everything that you need to accomplish during the day. Man, I wish I had your determination and consistency! The reality is that I'm just not attached to my cell enough to hear it's alarms on a regular basis. Half the time I don't know where it is, or I've left the sound turned off from the last time I was in the theater days or even weeks ago. I know I sound absolutely hopeless... and I fully expect that something disastrous will occur due to my not hearing my cell phone ring, and B'Man will take measures to correct this flaw in my operations... but until then...
Thanks for the suggestion, though.
I'm still in awe over how much you and Davey have hung on to each other through your agonizing separation. Even an ocean away, he knows how to take care or you. I'll try your suggestion, but I don't see a lot of hope in it. Remember, I had a telephone next to the computer, and I had a hard time remembering to call my husband during the day. It's not much of a memory jogger.
Good to see you,
Eesh, I wish I had some good advice to offer you on this one, but I have the exact same issue...I will however keep checking the comments sections to see if anyone else has anything to offer.
ReplyDeleteI can really relate to this post, though I've never been punished for loosing things, it's probably just a matter of time. I've lost medicine before. I loose all sorts of things and my kids are just like me.
ReplyDeleteMaybe an email reminder system would help. I know I'd end up just ignoring it.
After accidently taking my allergy pills TWICE one morning,I have resorted to the pill box method. Every Saturday morning I put my allergy pill and my vitamin in the LARGE clear S-S box,you know those boxes that have just the letter for the day of the week S,M,T,W,T,F,S for my night pills (three ibuprofen for my fibro)I have a blue S-S box. I keep mine in the medicine cabinet,I take my night pills after I brush my teeth,I take my vitamin and my allergy pill every morning after I um well take care of my other needs! Good luck remembering your pills,wish I could take the heavier pain pills but my body rejects them,so only ibu for me. Authorized by my doctor to take up to five at a time,rarely have to thank goodness!
ReplyDeleteWhat is it with women and their passive-aggressive little lies, twists and distortions... and when men call them on it, it's as if we've stuck a finger in their eye, called them fat, then tripped them down the stairs.
ReplyDeleteLovely creatures.... we're such beasts. Listen to the one who loves's for your own good!!
I take a lot of supplements throught out the day so I made a little checklist, it's on 2x3 or so, printed out a bunch of copies and made a little notepad. I taped it to the front of my kitchen cabinet so I see it all the time and check them off as I go.
ReplyDeleteI am sooo sorry you are in such pain. Alex is right, no pain in the hereafter. But in the meantime, I hope you can get a system worked out to take your meds. My Dad gets up in the morning and sets his pills and my mom's pills out for them; then, in the evening it's the same thing, Dad gets their pills out. Maybe BabyMan can help by getting both your pills out???? ;) Also, hope you SAD isn't getting the best of you these days.
SugarAnne -
ReplyDeleteI can SO relate. I am super forgetful, so I often put things where there's no possible way I can forget them when I need them. In your case, since you take the bottles before bed, I would keep them on top of my pillow. Seriously. Unless you have to take them a little while before bed, in which case I'd rack my brain for something else I do regularly around that time of day, and put the pills so I would have to move them to get to that object. Oftentimes, that's the only thing that works for me.
Sorry you had to get paddled, but it sounds like BabyMan has your best interests at heart (as always, lol). Hopefully you'll find a solution that works for you!
Sugar -
ReplyDeleteI KNOW how you feel, I'm having the same issues. I have to take a lot of stuff...vitamins, prescription pain meds and an additional vitamin D supplement, but I rarely remember to take them all on a consistent, regular basis, and that's a problem. A big one. It only leads to me feeling 10 times more pain and fatigue, and I never have a leg to stand on when J lectures me about responsibility and making a valid attempt at taking care of myself. J gets me for this kind of thing all the time! What is it with us, we know we need to take the stuff, as much as we wish we didn't, so why can't we just get with the program already?
Like you, I know, deep down, how foolish it is to neglect my medication and therefore my health and well-being...but those damn pill bottles are so losable, the meds so forgetable, refills impossible to remember or keep track of...I feel for ya. If it's any consolation, this has gotten my bottom whacked more than a few times as well...and not in a nice way.
Lots of hugs, and feel better soon.....
Hey, Princess,
ReplyDeleteFeel free to hang around. There are some pretty smart people coming in and out of here.
Don’t be surprised if you get punished for this like… today. Every time I get punished for something new, I’m completely surprised by it. Usually because he’s put up with a certain behavior forever until he just can’t take it anymore. An email reminder? I’ve actually been spending less time on the computer these days.
You would think that with all the pills the average person takes these days, I would be able to handle just the one that I have to deal with. I’ve actually tried the daily pill box method. I remember thinking that the pill boxes were not where I had left them, said “the hell with it, I’ll find it tomorrow” and went to bed.
I’m going to try from now on, I really am! But the lies, twists and distortions are so much more expedient than dealing with reality. It’s hard to resist in the moment. But I getcha.
Writing things down and checking them off was the very first method I used years ago for a
Prozac prescription. It was supposed to take effect in about 6 weeks, It actually took almost 4 months for it to kick in. You do the math. Me and quill and parchment don’t mix too well.
My SAD is a bit better these days. So many people came through with some excellent suggestions that I’m trying and seeing some progress with. I may have to rely on B’Man to handle the pill situation, Lord knows, I just can’t seem to find a method that I can be consistent with. So many wonderful ideas have come out of this, and I feel so hopeless as I realize just how incredibly disorganized I actually am. I promise I’ll find something, because… I refuse to get spanked over this again!
I’m going to really give that some thought. My problem is that I’m having trouble thinking of anything that I use consistently on a daily basis without fail that I can attach the pill bottle to. Cigarettes were the last thing that had that that distinction.
Oh, Jenn!
You get me! You so get me! I’m not the only one out there who can’t seem to pull the small daily details together. Any product that claims that with “regular use” I’ll see results in 10 to 12 weeks winds up in the garbage before too long. I am going to find a way to avoid getting my bottom whacked over this too often. Keep working on it, Jenn… so will I.
Same here, girl - out of sight, out of mind. Though with mine he can tell right away if I haven't taken it and he reminds me - I just get tired of taking something day after day after day after day...
ReplyDeleteHe ran out of his antidepressant med last week and had to go back to the MD for authorization and couldn't get in til today...he has been so dang grouchy we are all walking on eggshells! Hugs, Jenny
lol SugarAnne, I'm not consistent, it's why I use reminders and alarms. If I were I wouldn't be using them. And even then when the alarm goes off there's this nasty voice saying 5 more minutes! LOL :)
ReplyDeletetake care