Saturday, August 7, 2010

Standing Long for Long Standing Issues

It's been an issue in our marriage for years. It happened way too often that BabyMan would look for attention from his wife, only to have her find someone or something else more pressing at the time. My logic was always that we have a life with thousands of hours of alone time together, and my priorities have to be carefully selected so as not to miss out on anything that may not be available later.  I remember we argued about this while we were dating, and it continued on throughout our ten years of marriage.  It was NEVER my intention to make him think that he wasn't important, and I thought he's come to understand that and find some peace with it.

Lately I've started to engage in live chat with my internet friends, a pastime that has fascinated me since I discovered  forum chatrooms and Yahoo Messenger. In the last 3 months or so, I've become embroiled in conversing with other dd wives as we discuss our husbands, lives, punishment, sex, health... they are relationships that I have come to cherish and look forward to cultivating.  Since I've begun my new found hobby, BabyMan has come home many times when I was in the middle of a chat looking for my attention, and I have given him less than my best. I have gently pushed him aside and promised attentiveness when I was through. Quite often he would back off, adjourn to another room and wait until it was convenient for me to give him my consideration.

And sometimes he would march back into my space, angry and irritated.

"You need to get off the computer now, and pay attention to your husband!"

I'd look up at him, flustered and irritated. "Will you relax? I'm in the middle of a conversation! It's unreasonable of you to demand that I stop in the middle and..."

"Now, Sugar. Right now!"

"How can you expect me to extricate myself from a conversation with no warning?"

"I walked through that door ten minutes ago. I think in ten minutes time you can find a way to let someone know that I'm here, and you have other priorities."

So I will take a minute or so to excuse myself from my chat, and practically slam my laptop closed and glare at him with my I hope you're happy attitude, and he'd glare right back at me daring me to say something cocky or impudent.

Needless to say, anything that he had been looking forward to sharing with me was off the table. He's hurt, irritated, and no longer interested in engaging me in our usual evening connecting rituals. As far as he's concerned, I had made it clear that he comes second.. He begins to threaten to restrict my use of the computer, especially my laptop because it's starting to take the place of our time together, and I have to begin to take this problem more seriously. I always promise that I will, and BabyMan would be quick to forgive.. until the next time.

Enter, my friend, K., a woman I had been cultivating a relationship with through a forum, and then through  Yahoo Messenger. Thursday evening we were discussing the possibility of actually getting to meet each other face to face when BabyMan came home. I recall typing furiously and waving briefly at him. He leaned over me and puckered his lips. I put my hand up. "Not now, Babe," I said as I refused to take my eyes off the screen.

"No!' he demanded,"You stop typing right now!"

"Wait, I just have to finish this thought..."

"No, NOW!"

I looked at him and noted the determined look in his eye. "Kiss me, dammit," he barked.

"Okay, okay, Just let me tell her I'll be back"

"No!" he was clearly fed up. I took my fingers off the keyboard and craned my neck to meet his lips. He kissed me hard, almost angrily and then walked out of the room muttering, "You've got your nose in that laptop too damned much. You need to get your priorities straight, Woman!"
I went back to my conversation with K. almost 30 minutes later I bounded into the den where BabyMan sat at the PC and wrapped my arms affectionately around his neck. "Guess what! K is flying into the city in a few weeks, and we'll all be able to have dinner together down town. Isn't that great?"

He looked at me soberly and mustered a slight smile for my happiness. "That's great, babe. When is she coming?"

"Second week in September"

"That's nice."

I turned and began dancing out of the den. "Are you hungry? I bought salmon for tonight."

"No, right now I want you to get the heavy wooden spoon from the kitchen and the bath brush and bring them to me."

I stopped in my tracks. I couldn't have heard right. I turned abruptly with my mouth open. "What?"

"You heard me."

"But... what did I do?"

"Just bring them, I'll tell you what you did."

I went into the kitchen and retrieved the wooden spoon he uses for his pet peeve relief. When I walked past the den door on my way to the bedroom to get the bath brush I stopped one more time in search of answers. "Are you gonna tell me what I did?" I said quietly.

He looked at me and spotted only the spoon in my hand. "Get the brush," he said.

I didn't like this at all.  I wasn't even going to get a warm up from the old comfortable leather paddle, just a lot of uncomfortable wood.  I consider wooden implements unreasonable, too painful, and just plain crazy.  I returned with the objects to find that he had placed a couple of pillows on the floor.

"Take your pants and panties down and sit on the floor, he said.  He turned back to the computer where he was downloading music into his MP3 player.  I did as I was told as I felt my heart beating through my chest.  I must have really pissed him off.  The waiting was interminable as I sat there with my panties around my ankles and a spoon and brush clutched to my chest.

Finally he rose from the computer desk and came over to the couch and sat down with me between his legs.  "Turn around and face me on your knees," he said.

I did.

"Do you have any idea why you're being punished?"

I knew.  I just didn't want to say it.

"Take a wild guess," he whispered.

I couldn't look at him.  "I... ignored you when you came home?"

"Talking to K was a little more important to you than I was, right?"

"No!  No one's more important than you!"

"You have the rest of August, and part of September to finalize your plans with her, but you had to do it during our time together.  And I'm brushed aside when I need you.  Do you have any idea how often you do this?"

Really?  it can't be that often... can it?

"Well, it's going to stop, today.  I'm done allowing you to go on thinking this is all right."

Suddenly I felt awful.  I looked right into his eyes and saw the anger that he was feeling, but there was something else... it was hurt.  I felt a huge tear form in my eye and spill out onto my cheek.
He gently guided me over his left knee and I felt the hard wood connect with my butt over and over again.  I kicked, and tried to raise myself off of his knee, but he held me down and reddened me without taking a moment to break between the spoon and the brush.  I couldn't believe how much it hurt, and BabyMan was deaf to my pleading cries.  Then... a final assault on my sit spot that made me shriek at the top of my lungs, and it was over.

When I was sure he was through, I slid off his knee and wound up back on the pillows on the floor.  "I'm sorry," I sniveled.  I never meant to make you feel like that."  Apparently I had been doing this to him for years, and it never occurred to me just how hurtful it was.We had argued about it many times, and I just never took it seriously until now. He had made his point, and this time I heard it.  I thought maybe on top of everything he would take away or restrict the use of my laptop, but he didn't.  He's leaving it to me to prove that I can keep my word.

And I'm going to try my best, I really am!  But to my friends who I talk to on a regular basis on Yahoo, if I disappear for a while...



  1. I think it's actually very sweet that he cares so much about spending time with you. W gets angry with me for bugging him too much and wanting to spend all of his free together.

  2. Even before DD my friends knew that evenings and weekends they were not to call. In fact yesterday I was chatting on messenger with a fellow blogger when Wil came home early. I quickly told KR that I needed to go because Wil was home.

    It's funny I never saw a lot of his dominant side until TTWD began. But that was always a rule I knew and obeyed. In fact my best friend of 23 years still doesnt call in the evenings or weekends.

    You'll get use to it and it does make them feel special that you car enough to put whatever you are doing down for them.

    Sorry you got in trouble but I think BabyMan definitely made his point. Oh and sure......why don't you talk to me on messenger??? LOL

    Have a great weekend,

  3. Sugar,
    I've done this too. I love talking to my friends here. Not as much as I love Nick but like you said - you think you'll finish the conversation and get right to him. Some times it takes longer than we realize. And yes, it's got to hurt their feelings.

    I like what you said at the end. Tell those you talk to regularly that you're going to get off for at least a half hour when he comes home. You can have a quick signal so they'll know. Then you don't feel like you're leaving them hanging and he has your attention.

    You see the problem and that's the important thing.


  4. This is such an excellent example of what makes marriages like this stronger. Those little things we do to take the other for granted are not tolerated for long.

    Plus it's got to make you feel terribly needed, which is always a lovely feeling.

  5. Who knew I'd ever agree with a man, but I concur with your hubs on the greeting/attention issue. I get that life happens, but if a task, email, or conversation wasn't work-related or important, my feelings would definitely be hurt if my boy didn't give me at least a few minutes of undivided attention after getting to his place.

    Most girls I know complain that their boyfriends/husbands don't want to spend enough of time with them, so you've got yourself a rare breed. :) I'm glad you're able to work these issues out so well.

  6. Hi Sugar!
    Yes, I agree with Janet...why dont you talk to ME on yahoo messenger? LOL

    I chat with friends too, while waiting for Davey to come online, as does he while waiting for me...but we both of us IMMEDIATELY say bye to all others, when we see the other arrive online. Our US time is too important.
    To help you with your problem, establish with everyone you chat to, that you only have a limited time to talk... and may have to terminate the chat abruptly... that way they will not later feel brushed aside or rejected when you suddenly leave mid conversation. I use brb for be right back... (to use the bathroom etc) bbl is be back later,(if I intend to return after starting dinner, for example) or sus, see you soon (uncertain of when I will return!). This helps those you are chatting to decide whether to stay around for your return or wait to continue another time...

    When you hear his key in the door, type the appropriate set of 3 letters and be at the door by the time he opens it.... with a big, loving hug and kiss to ease the tension of his day.
    He has probably had a tough or stressed day and is soooo looking forward to spending quality time with the love of his life, to relax and unwind...he has been waiting all day to get back to you.... and you are busy with other people, putting their wish to speak to you above his need for a loving cuddle....
    I'm glad you guys have sorted it out. But, owwwieeeeeee, bathbrush and wooden spoon? Don't make a second reminder necessary!!!!!!!!

    Hugs and love, and how do we get to im???? xxxxxxxxxxx

  7. N&N
    You’re right, it is sweet. I have to start remembering that. I get so caught up in what I’m doing sometimes that tend to forget what’s important.

    Thank you for your thoughts on this. I can’t believe that over the years, I never really thought that this was an important issue. . I always figured he’d get over it and adjust, but It usually takes a spanking for me to realize that he’s really serious about something. I’m really going to work on it now. And, oh… I’m sending you my Yahoo address. I have so much to talk to you about!

    You’ve touched on a good point. I totally lose track of time when I’m chatting. In fact, when BabyMan read my post, he pointed out that it wasn’t thirty minutes later when I finished my chat, it was an hour later. Who knew? And thanks for the advice. Since I’m new at the whole chatting phenomenon, I really haven’t gotten a bead on chat etiquette. I’ll give it a shot.

    I agree. Whenever we work through one of these things, our marriage is strengthened to another level. And it never really occurred to me that I’m needed in those first few minutes when he walks in the door. He works so hard, and looks forward to our time together for some workday relief. I admit, it does make me feel loved.

    Hello, Beth,
    Yes, I guess he is a rare breed. It’s usually the woman who feels the lack of attention so deeply. I’ve always felt a bit annoyed at men who are so unaware of their woman’s need for closeness. Turns out, I’m one of them!

    Girl from across the pond! I’d love to chat with you. In picking up so many new chatting connections through this post, y’all are really going to get me in trouble! I really appreciate your advice on chat protocol. I’m going to make sure I put them into practice.


  8. SugarAnne,
    I'm glad BabyMan finally let you know how hurt he was by your lack of greeting him when he gets home. I know he must have really been hurt. I don't think most men find it easy to admit to ourselves, let alone anyone else, that something hurts our feelings. Pre-DD I would have done what BabyMan did, provide signals and clues and hope she'd catch on to what I meant. I'd be more direct about resolving the situation now.

    Facebook is an issue here. She loves facebook and facebook games.

    I hope you listen closely to God's whispers.

  9. I think so many of go thru the delight of finding female friends who understand us and TTWD, that we get caught up with blogs and chat and yes, perhaps addicted. I have learned that my husband prefers I look up when he walks in the room, answer when I speak to him, prioritize my time with him when I can. Huh, who knew...right? ;)

  10. SugarAnne, I'm guessing your friends will understand all to well if without a moments notice you say "he's home, gtg!" I've done similar and see it many times with very good friends. We are all in the same boat here I think. It is so fun to have online friends though, we should chat sometime :)

  11. SugarAnne -

    Thanks for sharing this. It is a reminder to me of just how important it is to give our men our attention when they get home from work. TC has told me before how much he appreciates it when I greet him at the door as he arrives home - it's kind of a "halfway rule" around here. I say "halfway" because if I'm in the middle of working (I transcribe files from home) it's okay with him if I can't make it to the door. Still, I never really thought about why that means so much to him, and I was beginning to feel a little "slacking" in my attitude towards the importance of greeting him after work. Thanks for the reminder!


  12. DK,
    I really can’t argue with that. I think one of the things that ttwd does for me is open my eyes to how strongly BabyMan feels about certain things. Before he was wiling to punish me over this, I really didn’t take his words about this issue very seriously. I do now.

    Point taken. If he were the one who couldn’t take a moment to greet me, I’d be pretty pissed. I get it now.

    I can get this thing down right and prioritize my time… I’d love to chat with you.

    It’s funny how we can start “slacking” when we don’t even realize it. I always greeted him extremely enthusiastically… only sometimes it was ten minutes after he walks in the door. I can’t afford to make certain assumptions anymore. Thanks for stopping by.

