Without my laptop with which to waste the day away, BabyMan figured I have more time to take care of some things around the house that needed my attention. He had just been laughing with me a minute ago, and now his demeanor had turned to soberly stern and authoritarian. He took me by the hand and walked me to the front room where he pointed out the cooler we use to transport food and beverages to the church every Sunday. It was to be cleaned out, washed and air dried. The refrigerator was to have old jars and bottles disposed of, the floor was to be mopped and shined… I couldn’t believe how much he was piling on me. How much was he going to punish me? I get the message already! I lost my computer, I’m submitting to a spanking, and now I have to work like a mule? I heard myself starting to whine until I caught a threatening glance from him warning me that things could and would get worse if I didn’t take all this with a certain degree of cheerfulness. I shut up and I forced myself to smile.
The last instruction was the most important. I usually find that whatever I can or cannot accomplish during the day, this is the one that takes top billing:
“I want you to girl up. When I walk in that door, you’re to be in a skirt.”
I nodded.
We’re going to see The Other Guys tonight.”
I pouted again. “I don’t want to see that movie, it sounds stupid.”
“That’s okay, I want to see it, and you’re going to accompany me. Do you understand?”
I nodded again. This was clearly one of those “Yes Sir” moments that Serenity posted about recently, but I couldn’t say the words. I was angry, I felt helpless and pushed around. Submission and obedience don’t come easy for me, especially when the voices of the feminists who influenced me in the 70’s keep screaming in my ear.
There’s something surreal about being told that you have a spanking coming at the end of the day, and having to wait for it. It’s a mind game that BabyMan plays with me every so often. Usually he likes to deal with disobedience and infractions immediately, and the advantage to that is that we get it over with and on with our lives with minimal drama. The disadvantage of it is that I don’t have any time to devise an escape. There’s a loophole to every situation, a crawlspace through the guilt and deservedness into the light of mercy. And if he gives me a few moments, I can always find an angle in which to take my best shot.
But he knows me now. He’s seen my flip technique as he calls it, he can assess the sincerity of my tears, he can accurately evaluate any doubletalk that I give him, and he knows a good ruse when he sees one. I have played all my cards, many of them quite successfully, others… not so much. So now BabyMan can safely allow me to stew in my own juices for a few hours without fear of being trumped in the process.
So I wait. This doesn’t mean I don’t make a decent effort to lessen the punishment. I’m thoughtful, considerate. I call him while in the grocery store (Honey, would you like rib eye, or London broil?).
But the day didn’t go well. There were people on the internet looking for me, and I wasn’t there to respond. Plus I had to think about how my behind was going to survive a spanking with God knows what horrible implement he decides to use, so there was a bit of irritability to my disposition all day. And in the end I did not get everything done that I was charged to do that day. My mother had called and asked me to help her with some equipment she didn’t understand. My workout at the gym was especially rigorous as I worked through some of my frustration from the morning, and my shopping put some strain on my hips. I instant message BabyMan from the PC, and begged him for compassion and clemency. He understood, and once again pardoned my lack of prioritizing skills.

Yeah! The paddle! I had never been so glad to see an old friend before. It wasn’t Epiphany, or that nasty bath brush!
He went to the den and put the pillows on the floor between his legs like he’s grown fond of doing. “Let’s go,” he said. I peeled my panties down, kneeled before him, and he pushed me over his left knee without the usual eyeball to eyeball lecture. He ceremoniously lifted my skirt, and I braced myself as I felt him tighten his grip around my waist. I heard him talking loud and clear over the sound of the paddle slapping my exposed behind.
“You will have a chat curfew and you will abide by it.” WHAP! “When I tell you to get off the computer, you will do it immediately." WHAP! “You will show me the respect I deserve” WHAP! “You will drop everything when I walk in that door at 5:00 every day” WHAP! “You will put your husband and your home first” WHAP!
There was more, but I think I was screaming the word YES over and over again so loud that I probably didn’t hear it. The comfort of that old leather paddle became not so comfortable anymore as he put the crowning touch on the spanking with a long stream of quick, stinging slaps to my sit spot.
When he let me up, I went to the bedroom to lie down on my stomach for a few moments like I usually do after a spanking. He came in after me about five minutes later and lied down next to me and put a soothing hand on my red behind.
“We’re leaving in ten minutes for the movie. Oh, and I put your boyfriend in the livingroom,” he said.
“My boyfriend?”
“Your laptop. You can have him back.”
The problem that I have Sugar is once Im feeling mad and pouty I cant seem to let it go, especially if my computer had been taken. I would probably get myself into so much more trouble. I think you handled it quite well.
ReplyDeleteGetting the computer takin is so hard.It does help me sometimes to get back on track and remember to work and then play.Glad you got it back,Sugaranne.
Glad to hear things went reasonably well, and glad to hear your laptop was returned to you as well! Hopefully you were able to cuddle up a bit at the movie, even if you didn't like the movie itself. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting and update!
I'm glad it wasn't epiphany.
ReplyDeleteI grew up listening to those same feminists, Sugaranne. My mother was one, teaching me that I shouldn't take s**t from any man. Messed me up for a very long time, training me to go in a way that was the exact opposite of my nature. I think that's an issue for alot more of us than not. When I'm angry, I find it extremely difficult to submit...but W has my number, he knows if he can make me laugh at myself or the situation, I let go of the anger. He always wins that way.
That was a very telling comment from Babyman, naming your laptop "boyfriend".
Awww, SugarAnne, sounds like a nice spanking! And, you get to lay on your FRONT after? I have to sit on a hard wooden chair, no cushions, and lift feet off the floor, and arms up off the chair arms so he can see I am not trying to take the weight off my bottom!!!! You're lucky!!!!!!!! Hahaha! xxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteOnce again you are well taken care of SugarAnne,
ReplyDeleteIt may have only been a day but you were greatly missed out here in cyberspace. Hope you and BabyMan enjoyed your night together. If I can behave til Friday I am hoping Wil and I can take a night out on the very small town.
I can see the exact same predicament in my very near future. This computer is way too important to me recently. It needs to stop and Wil needs to put a stop to it. So if like you, I disappear for a day or two just know that Wil has pulled a BabyMan on me.
Glad it all worked out in the "end".
Sounds like Baby Man felt he could make his point without too much intensity, and maybe he knew you had indeed heard his the message. That balance will come, I promise! (and then of course new things will throw you off again..but that's life, isn't it?)
ReplyDeleteI don't think I'd have the personality to do real DD, but I find your blog/perspective fascinating. I sympathize with you on two points: 1) the laptop deprivation, and 2) the housework. I'm glued to the first and absolutely detest the second. I'm also glued to my Crackberry, and I learned to be conscious about that because it used to drive an old BF nuts.
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoyed the movie. I will forever have a soft spot for Will Ferrell after his role in Wedding Crashers. I just saw "The Kids Are All Right" and it didn't live up to its hype, so your movie probably was more fun.
I'd much rather have a spanking than be deprived of my laptop, even for a day. I've hardly ever been spanked before going out, usually it's something I have to anticipate during whatever we're doing. The few times I have been spanked first, I've always gotten one when we got home too. I loved reading about yours.
ReplyDeleteI like how BabyMan cares for you SugarAnne and I hope it's wasn't to bad sitting through that movie after your spanking.
ReplyDelete"I put your boyfriend in the living room" oh Babyman LOL.
Master calls my laptop my boyfriend as well, lol. I just had a week offline...Master said not as punishment just to help me redirect myself.... felt like a punishment tho, lol. Hope the movie was not to bad :)
ReplyDeleteI don't like Will Ferrell and luckily neither does My Sir,so we won't be seeing THAT movie. We did go see The Girl Who Played with Fire on Wednesday. I have been threatened with grounding from my computer but so far he has not followed through. I have been told not to play arcade games so much and banned from them a few times,but that is all. Love the phrase Janet said I think that will become a new phrase here in TTWD land "Do a Babyman on me" Heeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ;)
ReplyDeleteThe poutiness can only last so long. I found out a long time ago that pouting accomplishes nothing but creating more trouble, and that I’ve got enough of!
This is the first time he’s ever taken anything away from me, and it felt strange. But yeah, I think it got me back on track. I mean, in the past couple of weeks I have been spending most of my waking hours in front of the screen, and today and yesterday only about an hour in the evening. I think maybe the spell is broken.
Thanks. It was hard sitting in the theater after all that, but we did cuddle, and by the end I was feeling much better emotionally and physically. I’m just glad this is OVER!
I think the feminist training was important for teaching us do defend ourselves from predatory abusive men. But it fell so short of teaching about the traditional loving male female relationship. It failed to strike that balance, and so many of us had to relearn what true feminism really is.
SSSSHH! Keep it down, Girlfriend! Here I am doing my best to keep these punishment sessions from spiraling out of control, and you come along with your crazy British boarding school tactics.
That sounds just awful! I do not need BabyMan getting any ideas!
It never occurred to me how incredibly a part of us our laptops and computers become. I have to be very watchful of my time now because I realize how quickly it gets away from me. You seem to have your feet on the ground more than I do, as I noticed in our chat when you reminded me of the time, and I was ready to blow it off without a second thought. If you think you’re in danger of letting this thing get out of hand, then I have no hope at all! Hang in there. I need you to be my second pair of eyes. Hmmm… “Pulling a BabyMan!” I like it!
Without too much intensity? Why does everyone think he took it easy on me?
I’ve never been a huge Will Ferrell fan, but parts of that movie caused me to laugh so loud I was disturbing the people around me.
The only reason I was spanked before going out was that he didn’t want to break his morning routine, wanted to see this movie, and had to fit me into his schedule.
Isn’t he so very clever? Hmmm…
I suppose this was an effective redirection. It kind of brought me back into the realm of reality. Once I got it back, a new perspective on online time was a little more to the forefront of my mind. My “boyfriend” is clearly not concerned about it. He says nothing.
It looks like grounding the bottoms from their laptops has become a weird fad around the neighborhood. So it’s official. Henceforth, it will be known as “pulling a BabyMan!” It is so decreed. All adjourned.