Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rambling Writer's Block

B'Man recently remarked that I hadn't posted in quite a while. I could only shrug and reply, I have nothing to post about."

He generously offered to help me out. "You go bring me my belt, and I'll be glad to give you some inspiration," he smiled.

I thanked him for his very kind offer, but declined.

Having nothing to post about is a mixed blessing. On the one hand it puts an indefinite hold on this strange hobby of blogging that I've become so attached to, leaving me to search for other outlets for my creativity... and on the other hand, my lack of subject matter proves that I am reaching that pinnacle in my relationship that I have been looking forward to since we started dd a year ago.

So, triumphantly I sit in front of a blank computer screen with a severe case of writer's block 15 days after my last post, reflecting over the events of the last 3 weeks. There's a certain amount of pride in knowing that I've managed to avoid punishment for that long. I've kept our home in a certain degree of order, the remotes remain in their rightful place, the closet doors and cabinets are no longer an obstical course,  and I'm completing important tasks in a timely manner.

And here I sit, the very picture of perfection with a grin on my face and nothing to write about. Okay... not quite perfect. A couple of times the wooden spoon has found it's way out of the crock on the counter for the purpose of what B'Man likes to call "a pet peeve stinger." And every once in a while the warnings come hurling at me sometimes so fast that I can hear them whistle like bullets as they blow by my ear. "You do that again you'll find yourself across my knee". What were those warnings about? Who knows? They come and go so quickly that they've become background noise, a part of the sound track of my life along with music from the seventies and the sound of the L train in the distance. I subconsciously take note of the infraction, resolve to not repeat it, and move on with my life.

Yesterday, B'Man picked me up right after work so that we could go to an optometrist and pick out a pair of frames for my new glasses. I wasn't in the best of moods, as I had been struggling with headaches from poor eyesight and chronic dry eye. We parked and went in and I tried on frames and we spoke to the salesman about our insurance and discounts for about 30 minutes. When we came out, we found a parking ticket sitting on the windshield. This only made me feel worse. Not only did I feel like a burden because we would have to drop a few hundred dollars on my new glasses, but the excursion to find them was going to cost another $50.00. I wanted to burst into tears. B'Man adamantly shook his head when he understood my misplaced guilt. "Baby, this is in no way your fault. This is all mine. I'm the one who decided not to put the quarter in the meter. I easily could have. A quarter! I lose that much in the cushions of the couch, and I was too cheap to pay for the parking space thinking I could get away with it." Then he frowned and cocked his head to the side as though a thought just occurred to him. "Hey, maybe I should spank you so I learn to never do that again!"

Sometimes I worry about that man.

Along with my seemingly perfect conduct, the truth also is that B'Man has been letting me off the hook more readily lately. There's a compassionate understanding that he's developed over these past few months when I tend to drag him down with me into hormone hell. A few times recently I've snapped and snarled and bared my teeth in response to what I perceived as an insensitive remark or question, only to be met with a gentle touch on my back and a comforting rub between my shoulder blades.

Sitting in front of a blank screen with writer's block has also given me time to reflect on our most important accomplishment in the last year. As a new blogger, Rebekah, has just revealed her husband's intentions to help her stop smoking, I can't help but let out a sigh of relief that this is, for the most part, all over for me. There is no doubt in my mind that my loving husband saved my life by forcing me to choose between the pain of withdrawal and the pain of severe spankings. My only contribution to the process was that I eventually chose wisely. In discussing the plight of my fellow bloggers going through the same struggle, B'Man revealed to me that he was prepared to "go the distance" had I broken down and had that one last cigarette that I was constantly on the verge of seeking. When I asked him what he meant by that he replied, "spanking isn't enough for something this serious. I'd have to whip you."

I think my jaw unhinged as I had to pick it up off the floor. I didn't have to ask if he was serious. There was no humor behind those eyes. I knew something like that wouldn't be easy for him. My spankings have ranged from slightly stingy to horrendously painful, but they were always just spankings. A whipping is something I simply can't wrap my mind around, but I realized that he saw this issue as a matter of life or death. Mine. I've always considered this an open issue in that I was still unsure about my ability to forego the opportunity to smoke in a weak moment. After that conversation, there is now no more doubt in my mind. The issue is now forever closed. I am a non smoker, and there's no way I could have done it without him.

My marriage floats inside a comfort zone where this thing we do is systematically dissolving the arguments, frustration, anger, nagging, yelling, and all the other crap that created resentment. I find myself relaxed and content. I'm thinking maybe I can become one of those wise women in the community that rarely get punished, and always has a thought provoking essay to impart (like Sara maybe?).

Or maybe I'll do something stupid and thoughtless and get my butt whooped tomorrow.

Only time will tell.


  1. SugarAnne,

    It sounds like you two are in such a good place with all this. You have used this to tackle some very important issues, and some minor annoyances that can wear a relationship down. You are a great inspiration!


  2. I'm so glad your back sugaranne! We've missed you here in bloggersville. I hope that in a year I will be as good as you and everything will be smooth. I really want that for us too. I bet B'man is really proud of you also. Remember that you dont' have to blog about only spanking either; us bloggees' love to just hear from you!

  3. I was so surprised to see this post Sugar simply because I too had been sitting at a blank computer screen today thinking that I had nothing to write about. Its been a rough few days emotionally and all of a sudden I was typing. I guess it was just buried in there. Hugs, Galway

  4. SugarAnne,
    How funny. Yesterday Wil said to me, "You do that again and you will find yourself over my knee." and as he said it my daughter was walking past and said, "You two are disgusting!"

    So since you don't have the beauty of comments from wonderful children who invade your life daily I will say it....

    Glad you are behaving but if you keep it up what will I send BabyMan for Christmas????

    Talk to you soon,

  5. Thank you so much for your continued support! Funny thing, when I saw in google reader that you had a new post I thought to myself I really need to leave a comment because you have been so nice to comment on all my blogs and make me feel welcome to the community. I just never know what to say or I feel that nobody really cares what the new person has to say. I know that is silly, it sounds stupid even as I type it. But then I saw that "the new person" made you blog and it made me smile and feel super super welcome so thank you.
    BTW, I still haven't smoked and it has been very hard at times. I even thought about going to him and asking for a preview of just how bad it would be if I gave into the evil temptation but my mind kept going to your "Jamaican Me Crazy" post and I decided maybe that wasn't such a good idea. So I owe you another thanks for that one too.


  6. I'm so glad you finally found something to update us on - and that you did it without B'Man's additional inspiration, lol! I've missed your posts, so it's great to hear from you again. DD has certainly helped you overcome some big issues, and some small ones as well. It's great to know it's working so well for you guys. Thanks for the post!


  7. SugarAnne,

    Your post is both touching and humbling. I have seen this coming for a long time, and it has been a joy to watch the growth in both of you. B'Man becoming a stronger, wiser HOH; and you, becoming a stronger, wiser, more loving and caring wife.

    I find it humbling because you have awakened the pride in myself. I see now that I have a lot farther to go to get to that "place" than I once thought. I am just a little jealous that you are well on your way and I am so far behind where I should be after 27 years.

    You have lots of wisdom you can share, ya know? Just having the glasses will at least make you look wiser and uhm, older. :)

    Oh, and sorry to hear about the ticket. I know those little "unnecessary and avoidable" expenses just pour salt into a financial wound, but somehow it will all work out. God brings us through difficult times so we can see Him work things out HIS way, and not our own.

    Thanks for sharing, it is encouraging to see what TTWD can REALLY DO!


  8. Hey SugarAnne,
    I agree with Surrendering Slowly - now that dd is established in your marriage it touches all parts of your lives and we would love to hear about any parts you are willing to share.


  9. You are such a great writer, whether it's about spanking or not! You have also helped me feel so welcome to this whole blogging thing, and I just wanted to say thank you! I love reading your posts and I think that you and B'man have such a wonderful and caring marriage. Have a wonderful day!

  10. SugarAnne, Seems like you had quite a few things to say :) I am happy that you are happy, and smoke free!

  11. Serenity,
    I'm so glad I could inspire someone. We are definitely in the best place in our marriage, and a lot of it had to do with the support we've found from this community. Thank you.

    The idea that everything is running "smoothly" is a bit off track. Right now we seem to have come to several understandings where the disharmony has died down and we're both moving in syncopated choreography. But don't be fooled. At some point one of us will step on the other's toes, we'll both tumble to the ground and get tangled up in my gown. His glasses will break, my ankle will be broken, and we'll have to work hard to get back our footing in this dance. It's a cycle. Thanks for the comment about wanting to hear from me whatever the subject matter. I'll remember that.

    Isn't writer's block the pits? Sorry to hear about your emotional roller coaster. I hope getting your thoughts down was helpful. Let me know if you need to talk.

    Your comment just cracked me up! I just love the fact that your daughter knows all about you and you can live openly and honestly with her around. Her running commentary on ttwd probably reads like a script for a situation comedy... and there's something kind of adorable about that. Hmm? Have you guys ever thought about launching your own dd reality television series? It would be the highest rated show in history! We'll talk.

    Ah, Rebekah, the new girl!
    You are doing so much better than I did with the smoking thing. I could never do it cold turkey, and you seem to be taking to it like a duck to water!
    I'll be honest with you, asking for a sample of what it would feel like if I got caught smoking was a great incentive. It put everything into perspective, and frankly scared the hell out of me. The key in this practice is that you maintain control over the number of swats. He picks the implement and the degree of force, but you get to say when it ends. It's not a punishment, it's more like a science experiment. In "Jamaican Me Crazy," I forgot to inform him that I was in charge, LOL! Live and learn, huh? In the mean time, your own willpower is serving you quite well, and you're doing the best thing for yourself and your family. Let me know if I can help.

    Thanks for the kind words. We're still sifting through those small issues, but it's a good feeling not having those huge ones looming over our heads anymore.

    I think all dd couples go through that trial and error period where they're just not sure what the hell they're doing, where they're going, or what to do when they get there. I'm still not so sure that we've "reached" anything yet. I think we're just on a mountain right now, and we'll be tumbling back down into a valley, and then head back on up another mountain again. When I spoke of that "Pinnacle " in my post, I am acutely aware that it is only temporary. It will disappear, and then weeks, or even months later I will see it again. Enjoy where you are. the fun part is the journey.

    Thank you. I really do enjoy blogging, and as much as I strive for consistency in my posting, I may begin to search for other styles or subject matter to satisfy my personal need for a little spice and diversity. Thanks for the reminder.

    Wow, I'm touched! That's very sweet, thank you!

    I appreciate the sentiment. Several things that I learned from you have been an influence. Good to see you.


  12. Hi SugarAnne,
    I too always love hearing from you regardless the topic.
    I have to admit...the whipping comment stuck with me. Wow, I swallowed hard and my palms began to sweat when I read that. B'Man must sure mean buisness with the smoking. You should be proud of yourself to be able to 100% call yourself a non-smoker. I know that I'm proud of you.
    Always good to hear from you.

  13. I get the writer's block ugh!The place that you and B'Man are at is a good place to be.:)
    I'm glad that you are smoke free.You should be so proud of yourself.I'm proud of you! I'm glad you never had to experience that whipping.Good to hear from you!


  14. Tammy and Misty,
    I'm not so sure I can be all that proud of myself. I attribute my success to fear, pure and simple. If I didn't have the threat looming over my head, I'd might be outside having a cigarette right now. But really, after all this time, I think I can honestly say that the the cravings are so few and far between that I rarely even think about it anymore. I used to consider having one when the desire would periodically pop up, but after B'Man told me of the consequences, I think those thoughts are long gone.

    You guys are doing great. I hear that a little dark chocolate gives a little kick of serotonin and eases the craving.


  15. I am so glad you managed to quit smoking. And I am glad you broke your silence!! I love to read what you write! Whatever the subject! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  16. SugarAnne,
    I read your reply yesterday, and thought about your response all day today.
    I attribute my success to fear, pure and simple. If I didn't have the threat looming over my head, I'd might be outside having a cigarette right now.
    From a smoker to an ex-smoker, it makes me wonder if the desire will ever completely go away. Because I really, really want it to.
    Fear...I get ya there. After Jake said that I wouldn't be sitting PERIOD...the fear of the unknown has me on my toes.
    If I were to be 100% honest with you, I would have to say that I am a little concerned for you in the very, very slight possibilty of you flubbing up? With the right stresses could you mess up S.A.? (just wondering)
    Regardless of the answer really...the main point is that this is why ttwd is so very powerful and useful. Without it, you probably would be smoking a cigarette right now.
    Hats off to you SugarAnne-you should be proud of yourself too...quitting also takes willpower!

  17. Tammy,
    Yeah... what he said. Hopefully I'll never take a chance on having to face those consequences for the priviledge of breathing soot into my lungs. How could it be worth it for me? I suppose in times of great stress and anxiety I'm still capable of doing something stupid, but as it stands now, I can't imagine making that trade off. But... keep your fingers crossed for me.

