"What are you looking at?" I said with mock venom.
"I'm looking at you."
"Well knock it off," I closed my eyes as I smile and reach for him.
BabyMan leaned over and kissed me on the lips and propped his head up on his hands as he rested on his elbow. "I saw your comment on Charlie's post."
"Which one was that?" I droned sleepily.
"The one where Tom subjected himself to physical punishment in order to understand what Charlie goes through."
I smiled. "Oh yeah!" I opened my eyes and perked up. "Cool post, huh?"
"It was pretty interesting." his eyes reacted to the silly grin plastered on my face. "Oh, I see. I suppose you think I should do the same thing?"
"I think every HoH should do the same thing," I laughed.
BabyMan smirked. "I don't think I need to go that far to understand what you're feeling when I spank you."
"Are you kidding? You have no CLUE what it feels like."
"Of course I do. I got the belt a few times as a kid."
"Apparently not enough," I mumbled quietly.
"Excuse me?"
"I said... that must have been tough."
BabyMan's eyes narrowed as he shot suspicious lasers at me. I giggled and slapped his shoulder playfully with the back of my hand.
"So you think that in order to better understand and empathize with you, I should call Ms. Hertz the Disciplinarian, and make an appointment."
"That's a great idea!"
"Not gonna happen."
"I bet it's not even that expensive. I could give you a gift certificate for Christmas."
He turned and flopped his head back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling.
"Okay, okay..." I said. "If it's a money issue, I could always do it myself."
"You... want to spank me?"
"Like you stole something!" I grinned wickedly.
"You're out of control, you know that?"
"No, really! You could bend over the bed and I'll give you a few whacks with the belt. No big deal."
BabyMan started to laugh.
"What's so funny?"
"You are. You're not going to hit me with the belt."
"The bath brush then."
"The Shredder?"
"Don't be ridiculous."
"C'mon, Baby, work with me here. I'm trying to bring us closer together." I pounded lightly on his chest with my fist. "Help me... help you. Help me, help you!" I said in my best Jerry Maguire impression.
"Sweetie, you could never spank me. You wouldn't be able to handle it emotionally."
I was taken aback. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"You could never administer a spanking like an HoH. Our job is a lot harder than you can imagine."
"Really? You wanna test that theory, Einstein?"
He turned his head and regarded me soberly. "You think all we do is swing an implement? There's so much more that goes into the administering of responsible discipline. Our mindset is constantly focused on the care and considerate execution of striking a fine balance between our love for you, our desire to drive home a point, and our devotion to a healthy measure of correction without causing injury."
There was an almost awkward considerable silence for a while as the two of us stared at each other, our heads on our pillows, our noses so close they almost touched. He was so sure he had given me something to think about.
"Okay, I'll use the paddle on you. But that's my final offer," I said.
"I'm not getting through," he placed a finger on my forehead and pushed my head back.
"I don't understand why you won't do this for me! Tom did it for Charlie. It's like the ultimate act of devotion."
"Well aren't you the romantic! You know... other women ask their husband's to discipline them, not the other way around."
"Oh, and that makes them better than me?"
"I didn't say that."
"Do you know what you said the last time you spanked me?"
"Stop Squirming?"
"Besides that."
"No, but I have a feeling you're going to tell me."
"Take it like a man, you said."
BabyMan sat up and looked at me for a moment, then threw his head back and laughed hard and long. "Did I really?" he blurted out between guffaws.
"Yes, you did!" I shouted to be heard over his laughter. "These are the words of a man who is not in touch with his partner," I said punctuating every word as I poked him in the chest with my finger.
"I'm in touch with you, Baby. Doesn't your butt feel like I touched it afterward?"
"Very funny," I tried to hide my smile. "You know what I think? I think that there should be a special day every year where HoH's get their butts whooped to give them just a little taste of reality. Kind of like a holiday within the spanko community."
"That's my baby... always thinking." He leaned over again and kissed me. "I commented to Charlie's post as well," he said as he climbed out of bed.
"Oh really? What'd you say?"
"As far as I'm concerned, Tom took the hit for all us Hoh's. It'll never again be necessary for any of us to experience physical punishment."
"How very convenient," I sneered.
BabyMan leaned over the bed and planted another kiss on my lips. "But I love the fact that you want to bring us closer together, Sugar. I'll be glad to contribute to the cause."
"Yeah? And how's that?"
"I'm of the opinion that we become much closer every time I spank you. Don't you agree?"
Very interesting conversation. I think you were both right. They do need to know what it feels like AND they do much more than swing a paddle.
ReplyDeleteI would never give my Nick a spanking,its just not who we are, but he will let me give him a swat or two with different implements. He now knows you can't go as full force with the bath brush as you can with say, the dogging bat.
I some times use one of the lighter leather paddles when I am giving him a full body massage.
As long as you guys keep talking like this you're going great whether you ever give him a swat or not.
I think this post shows the incredible level of trust and commitment that is inherent in your marriage, Sugaranne.
ReplyDeleteToo funny!!! I don't think I could ever bring myself to give Wil a punishment, experimental or not, but then again the Chicago Punisher might work.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you SugarAnne there should be that one day where HOH's get their due.
Isn't it amazing the strange conversations those of us who do TTWD have at times. I enjoyed reading this, the banter that goes on between you two is so enjoyable to read. However I don't think this is one you are going to convince BabyMan to go along with!!
ReplyDeleteI loved the quick thinking from "Apparently not enough." to "That must have been tough!" I giggled out loud. You and BabyMan make such a fun couple. I agree with Janet, the banter between the two of you is so much fun to read.
Tom is going to get such a complex from all of this. He already said he feels like "the man" after I read to him the comment BabyMan left over at my blog. I need to introduce him to the blogosphere. He'd love BabyMan, though I'm not sure I want him getting any ideas.
Thanks PK.
ReplyDeleteI’m sure I’d never be comfortable with Giving BabyMan a full blown spanking either. But on more than one occasion he has made it clear that he didn’t think I should be howling the way I do during a paddling, which leads me to believe that he just doesn’t get it. Well, I’d like to give it to him, just once.
Hi, Jersey.
Thanks for stopping in. I agree, we’re on the right track. I appreciate the comment.
I don’t think I’ll ever convince him either. But I’m having fun trying.
I think Bonnie from My Bottom Smarts could pull off facilitating a spanko holiday where the HoH’s get a ceremonious swat or two once a year. Didn’t she start Love Our Lurkers Day?
Just a thought ;)
Ah, Charlie,
The woman behind the man that started it all. I think what Tom did was absolutely heroic and noble. I once worked as an activity therapist in a nursing home where a new general manager had just been hired. Before he ever settled behind his desk, he took a week where he worked as a subordinate in each department in the facility. He worked as a dishwasher and prep cook in the kitchen, he spent a week as a janitor, he took orders from the Nurses and CNA’s, and he worked with me in the Alzheimer’s Unit. There was never a better manager, because he stood in our shoes. Tom’s just given you yet another reason for your undying respect.
SugarAnne - LOVED the conversation between you and BabyMan. I agree with Jersey in that it shows the amazing level of trust and openness you and BabyMan have in our conversations. And humor. Let's not forget humor, lol...
ReplyDeleteI also shared what Tom did with TC. He was shocked, but admired Tom's courage in doing what he did. I could never see TC accepting physical punishment from anyone, so I didn't even try to persuade him, lol.
Thanks for sharing this bit of "pillow talk" with us. :)
i must say i always have rushed mornings and jump from the bed to the door in 25 min flat to attend classes... so pillow talk for me is mainly between me and my alarm clock ( fightin with the snooze button ) :)
ReplyDeletebut it's nice to see u enjoying ur pillow talks, i hope i can take that time some day...
and u turning on BabyMan,,, somehow i don't think BabyMan is going to be gettin a spankin from you, unless he loses a bet with you! LOL
maybe u should try that what do ya think!
hugs Alujna
Well I DO think most of these spankers have no clue at all what it is to be on the receiving end! However, my man is like yours...ain't no way no how he's going to be receptive, so to speak. On the other hand (and there's always another hand) Grant says "You're the one who's wired this way!" I don't think BabyMan can use that line.
ReplyDeleteLOL... I'm with Charlotte...loved the quick thinking, I can never think of anything to cover myself when he asks what I muttered under my breath; it wouldn't do any good, he has this 'lie radar....', or maybe its just that as I don't tell lies, its obvious when I try!! xxxxxx
ReplyDeleteOh what a fun post SugarAnne, I love the banter between the two of you.
ReplyDeleteI can't see BabyMan letting you wield the paddle:)
LOL your suggestion that Bonnie start a spanko holiday and yes she did start "Love our Lurkers Day".
Thanks for sharing this pot with us.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate BabyMan's humor. He's a funny guy when he's not all serious and maudlin. And I'm certainly not surprised that TC wouldn't go for the same thing Tom did. I kind of wish they all had that curiosity, but it looks like that's not going to happen. But it's kind of fun to day dream about, isn't it?
BabyMan and I have actually done the "whatd'ya wanna bet" thing many times. I always offer to give him a few swats with the shredder if he loses. He rarely loses. And on those occasions when he does, he always seems to find a magical loophole. Go figure.
I wish I could use the fact that he's the real spanko in this house to get him to experience the other side of the coin. No such luck. I've used every argument I can come up with. I don't know why I bother. At those times when he doesn't have a good counter argument, he'll just stare at me and repeat himself with a resounding "NO!" I believe this argument is over.
I almost NEVER get away with the old switcheroo when I mutter something disrespectful under my breath. These are actually the only times when I have no problem looking him right in the eye and lying with a straight face. But alas, BabyMan's no slouch. He knows me all too well.
Thanks, Ronnie.
I believe Bonnie could snap her fingers and create a day where everyone would be expected (required?) to switch places for a moment. Who's in charge of fielding those suggestions? Does Bonnie have a secretary?
Why are we all admiring Tom so much for doing once what we do all the time? Why is it more "heroic" for a man to get spanked than for a woman to get spanked by an extremely strong man? Are our butts less sensitive than a man's? No. And why on earth are all these spankers admiring Tom's courage when we get spanked so much more often and so harshly? Where's OUR praise and recognition of bravery and fortitude?
ReplyDeleteThis is just fucked up.
ReplyDeleteMy husband praises my bravery and fortitude all the time. I'm not sure what your situation is, but you sound like a woman who's in a non consentual dd relationship, and you might be a little resentful? If you're not happy perhaps you should get out... or at least talk to your partner about praising your bravery and fortitude if that's what will make you feel better. Thanks for commenting.