Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Then, She Said..." Part 2: Weekend Salvaged

I walked into a dark house a couple hours later. The only light was coming from a flickering television in the den. I went straight for the bedroom, got undressed and crawled into bed. I was expecting him to come into the room any second and punish me for walking out of him. He never showed, and eventually I fell asleep despite the nervousness in my stomach.

When I awoke, he wasn't next to me. I rose, put on my bathrobe and found him in the living room sitting in silence. I sat down next to him and waited for him to say something. He remained quiet. I didn't know what this meant, and I found myself feeling irritated that he wasn't giving me a clue as to where he stood. I stood up and stomped off to the bedroom again and started to dress for my morning workout. That's when he walked in the door.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"I want this to be over," I said. "And I want that post gone. Not edited, dammit. Gone!"

"What difference does it make?" he said. "The language is gone."

"But the scar remains. Don't you get that?"

"It's not nearly as bad as the one I posted back in February," he said.

"Yeah, well funny you should mention that. I wanted that one gone, too, but you made it clear you didn't care what I wanted then, why should I expect anything different now?"

He watched me for a moment as I rummaged through my drawers for my shorts, and then he left the room. I could hear him pounding on the computer keyboard in the den, and by the time I had my gym shoes on, he emerged back in the doorway. "Okay," he said. "They're gone."

I tilted my head like a dog listening to a high pitched whistle. "They?" I asked.

"Both posts. They're gone. The one from yesterday, and the one from February."

"Really?" I was stunned and relieved. I also felt a little twinge of guilt that perhaps I had bullied him into conducting his blog the way I wanted him to. I walked over to him and smiled and hugged him. "Really?"

"Yes, really."

"Thank you," I whispered in his ear. "I love you." I pulled back and asked, "Do you want to go to the gym with me? We can burn 300 calories and then put on a couple thousand for breakfast."

"No," he said. "There's the little matter of your walking out on me that we have to discuss."

My knees went weak and I backed up and sat down hard on the bed.

"Do you think it's acceptable that you should walk out on me when I told you not to leave?"

"No." I shook my head. "And I'm really sorry I did that. I was just so angry. I didn't know how else to handle it."

"I understand, but willfully disobeying me is not... all... right. My problem is that I didn't take care of you last night. I should have gone after you and dragged you back in here by your hair. And I'm disappointed in myself that I didn't. But that's never going to happen again."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the next time you walk out on me when I'm talking to you, I won't hesitate to act. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head. I knew what he meant. I was still hoping for a reprieve for this time, but I had to ask the obvious question. "So... when do you want to take care of this?"

He stared at me for a long time, and then finally said. "Let's do it now. I want you to go get the shredder, and the bath brush, a couple of pillows, and the handcuffs, strip down to your panties and meet me in the den. Understand?"

The handcuffs? What the hell was he going to do to me? I had bought those cuffs as a joke ten years ago, and now they were coming back to haunt me. Just how angry was he?

I retrieved everything he asked for, and met him back in the den to find that he had moved his exercise bench from the wall to the center of the room. He told me to sit on it facing him.

"Before we do this, I need to tell you something," he said.

I looked at the ceiling, then back down to the floor, everywhere but into his eyes. "I want to apologize to you," he said.

"What?" I whispered. I'm surprised, but I still can't look at him.

"I should have listened to you when you said that you were offended by my language, and I allowed my ego to supercede your feelings. I never should have done that. You deserve better than that..." he took a deep breath. "And please don't think it's escaped me how unfair this must seem to you. I get that the fact that there are no consequences for my behavior, and you get punished for yours."

I managed a slight smile.

"I want you to lay over the pillows on the bench. The cuffs are to protect your hands. I don't want you moving them back to cover yourself. They could get hurt."

I placed myself in position and he knelt down next to me and cuffed my wrists under the bench. Then he said, "I'm never again going to allow you to cut me off at the knees the way you did last night," he said.

I started to cry.  I couldn't even accuse him of being furious and out of control. he was calm, cool, rational... loving, even.

I clenched my jaw as I felt him pull my panties down to my knees.

My stomach curdled in fear. “From now on, I intend to do what I’m supposed to do as head of household.” he said. The first strike of the paddle made me jerk and squeal in pain. After the third swat I began crying loudly. Suddenly there was a pillow shoved in front of my face. “Yell into that, Sugar. We’re going to be here a while.”

I kicked and writhed, straining my wrists against the steel of the cuffs as I screamed into the pillow. My pleas became hoarse and uncontrollable. I remember crying out, "I’m so sorry, I won’t ever walk out on you again, I swear. Please stop…” over and over.

He finally stopped only to put down the paddle and pick up the bath brush. It was only half over, and it was only going to get worse. I shut my eyes tight and buried my face in the tear soaked pillow.

The spanking was agonizing and seemed to go on forever. After what seemed like an eternity he stopped and waited a few moments for me to calm myself. Then he uncuffed me, and I went into the bathroom, washed my face and crawled in bed. Babyman arrived about 5 minutes later, got undressed and got in bed with me and wrapped his arms around me.. I was still heaving, trying to get my breath under control. We eventually began to continue where we left off on Friday evening. So it wasn't kicked off by the "slap and tickle," but it ended where it should have, with the merging and melting of two passionate bodies... and continued on through the rest of the weekend, and everyday since.


  1. Oh, ouch! That sounded painful, just reading it! I'm so glad that you two were able to work this out though :)

    Funny, J gives me a "pillow" all the time, one that I can bury my face in and cry, so I can honestly say I've been there and done that, many times. It's never "over" quite as soon as we want it to be, huh?

    I'm not too surprised at the result though, cuz I would have gotten a similar punishment for walking out. Actually, like I said before, J would have done exactly as BabyMan said he'd wished he had done with you. I would have been dragged back in the house by my hair and then spanked then and there LOL.

    Thanks for sharing....Jenn

  2. Jenn,
    The fact that he didn't come after me immediately is a blessing I'll never take for granted again. Had he decided to take action at the time I walked out, he still would have been angry, and my behind would have needed reconstructive surgery. He's always promised to hold off punishment until after he's calmed down, but I don't know how that scenario would have played out if he had to chase me down and carry me back to the house. Here's hoping I never have to find out.

  3. It is good to know you are both OK, and maybe even better than OK. Thanks for sharing your very personal struggles with us.


  4. Jenny, We are better than okay. Babyman was just remarking this afternoon how quickly ttwd jumpstarts our recovery from the anger and resentment we both felt to a feeling of well being and comfort. And the feedback has been so helpful in molding our identities as a DD practicing couple. Thank you.


  5. SugarAnne,
    I just knew that he would apologize. That man loves you so much, he would never hurt your feelings intentionally. He just didn't *get it*. It can't be easy want to get through to him and he can't relate or understand how you feel. B-4 dd, I have shut myself in the bathroom, ran home to my mom and oh yeah, threw a dish toward him. That's all in the past. This last time, after dd, that I *stayed* he apologized right away, b/c I was still in the room. It was very very hard for me to stay. But once you do it, you can do it again, I think ;-). I'm glad to see you both are doing well!

  6. SugarAnne,

    I am so glad for you both. I know the reconnecting was painful for you, probably even for him but it is over now, gone. That is what is so beautiful about TTWD.
    I love sharing this journey with you both.

  7. Elysia,
    Staying and toughing out the discussion has always been difficult for me. I’m not the greatest of communicators, that’s his department. I get flustered and find it difficult to organize my thoughts, so I split. It looks like I can’t do that anymore. It was always a bad habit throughout our marriage, and now I’ve been warned. I have to find another way of dealing with my lack of communication skills. And Babyman is patient. He’ll give me all the time I need to choose my words, I just can’t do it off site unless I respectfully ask his permission first. But you gave me an idea…
    Maybe in lieu of words, I can start tossing dishes at him.

    Thank you. Ttwd has got us both pretty confused. Babyman and I agree that we can easily use you, as well as others, as a model for our behavior and handling of some of the navigational dilemmas we face. I suspect that he often asks himself, “how would Janet’s husband handle this situation?” of course I can’t prove it… but I strongly suspect it.

  8. SugarAnne,

    The confusion is PERFECTLY normal and I promise it will lessen as you both find your places in TTWD. I think it is just as hard for the HOH as it is for the woman. He has to make the hard decisions when to take action and when not to. I don't think it is a position I would want to be in.

    TTWD is a beautiful and sometimes difficult thing just keep at it and one day you will both find that it clicks into place.

    Good luck to you both,
