I let out a sigh through my lips that turns into a whistle. “Do you see steam rising from my butt?” I ask.
“I’m really sorry,” I say again for what seems like the hundredth time. The first ninety-nine had been while I was over his knee begging him not to use the bath brush on me. Apparently he didn’t listen.
“I know” he says as he rubs his fingers through my hair. “It’s okay.”
Great. Now it's okay.
What had gotten me to this place? The only thing I can imagine is that my hormones turned on me again, and provoked a rage that caused me to lash out at the very best friend I’ve ever had. The depression came upon me so quickly that I woke Wednesday morning feeling bitter, irritated, and even mean-spirited. I spoke to him through angry tears as I tried not to take it out on him, knowing full well he didn’t deserve my wrath. He hadn’t hurt me. Someone else had. Someone who’s opinion was not important to me, someone who’s views I didn’t even respect. Usually I can brush off the words of a person who means nothing to me as insignificant and worthless, but this time it was different. My hormones betrayed me and turned my rational thoughts to crazy deep dark cavernous paranoid speculation. Inside I was out of control… sad, fearful, disquieted and inconsolable.
To his credit, he tried. He knew that “coming in to get me” was in all likelihood my ticket out of the abyss, and before he left for work he ordered me to prop myself up on pillows to take a painful and usually effective paddling for a jolt of reality. As he spanked me with the paddle, he spoke softly and gently to me, trying to convince me that what I was experiencing was only an illusion, and not only was this person essentially non existent, but I was loved, cherished, and worthy, and the only opinion I should be interested in is God's.
I listened, but didn’t hear. He told me that to gain more endorphins I was to make sure that I got to the gym for my workout (“I’m taskin’ you on this one, Sugar,”) and spend a good deal of the day taking care of myself. He told me to do my hair , nails, makeup, give myself a facial, find a new recipe for dinner, (I always enjoy that) wear something girlie that shows off my figure, get out in the sunshine, spend some time on the beach… whatever it took.
I cried - sobbed, really - from a combination of the pain and his generous kindness that I just knew I didn’t deserve. When he left, I found myself sleeping and then waking a couple of hours later with certainly enough physical strength to get out of bed, but not the emotional strength. And there I remained until BabyMan returned some 9 hours later.
When he saw that I hadn’t moved a muscle all day, I knew that he was disappointed and irritated that I disobeyed him on absolutely everything that we had talked about that morning. This would normally be a spankable offense, but sometimes when he knows I’m going through the valley of depression he’ll find another way to deal with it. The last time I was feeling down and hadn’t finished a task, he took me out to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner. He hugged me and held me and kissed me and wouldn’t allow me to hide in the dark place until I was smiling and laughing and talking a blue streak. The reality is, that no matter how he chooses to handle it, he's the only ne in my life who's been able to pull me back into the sunlight.
But this time was different. He stood at the foot of the bed and asked me if there was anything he could do for me.
“No” I said.
And that was that. He retreated into the living room, turned on American Idol, and there he stayed for the rest of the evening. He just left me. I needed him, and he just left me!
I cried myself back to sleep.
To be continued…
sometimes people can't read your mind sugaranne, maybe babyman wanted you to tell him what you wanted...
ReplyDeletedepression is a bad thing without logic or reason and not always explainable...
it doesn't matter what happens now, but always listen to those who care about you, even if you listen to others it does not matter, but never fail to hear, listen and follow those who care and love you..
hugs Alujna
Now you've told him what you want and need. Men need hand puppets SugarAnne. (No disrespect intended BabyMan). What sems obvious to you, and any female friend, is Greek to him. It took a while for me to understand this, and it still confuses me at times. For me it was about learning to give Grant the benefit of the doubt that he truly loved me, wanted to be and do for me, but sometimes needs me to say exactly what that is. Even still, as far as we've come, somtimes I need to put my pride and my fear aside, and open up and tell him. He's always been there for me when I have. Has BabyMan earned your trust? If so you have to find a way to push through, most especially when you don't want to, and tell him how to reach you. Maybe this post is some of that?
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to read someone all the time SugarAnne, but it sounds like he does a good job. I am sorry that you were feeling blue. I hope that you can go to him and tell him what you are feeling so he can help you back to that happy place.
How Ironic, J and I just had a conversation this morning about this very thing. I've been feeling alone and neglected because I haven't been getting enough cuddles and attention from him, and I am really, REALLY needing it right now. I am struggling through the same depression and have found myself falling apart, and them becoming irritated with J because he isn't jumping to my rescue, holding me in his arms and just letting me cry it out on the protective warmth of, well, of Him. I've needed him and it has seemed like he hasn't been there, and more or less ignoring me instead. I told him what I had needed from him during the time he was home this morning,over the phone, and his reply had been "You didn't tell me, therefore I did not know. I am not a mind reader Jenn! You need to come to me, talk to me, and tell me exactly how you are feeling and what you need, NOT withdraw into a hole, and then blame ME for not figuring you out. That isn't fair."
ReplyDeleteI messed up pretty bad a few days back as well. I was, for whatever reason, afraid to go to him and tell him that I needed him, needed him strength, his comfort, his embrace. I couldn't do it, I was afraid of him misunderstanding me, resulting in me being hurt even more. So, instead of going to him and getting his attention the proper way, I (in stupidity and desperation) broke one of his biggest rules, and let myself be caught. My God, I was so desperate for Him and His attention that I was willing to get it through any means necessary, even punishment - which is exactly what I got. It was swift, painful, and rather merciless, and I'm still wearing the marks from it now. Needless to say, I now know how NOT to capture his attention! Lol! We have since discussed my error in judgment and I won't be making that mistake again.
Anyways - my point is - I know EXACTLY what your going through, and my heart goes out to you. Mis-communication can wreak havoc and lead to very sore bottoms, like it did for you and I, so be careful!
I guess the lesson of the week is to TELL them what we want and what we need, clearly and concisely. Obviously, hinting, beating around the bush, or expecting them to read our minds will get us nowhere.
Thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon...
Alujna, Sara, Katia & Jenn,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the thoughts. I know what I’m about to say may sound presumptive and somewhat childish, but I honestly didn’t believe BabyMan ever needed me to tell him anything. During the last 3 years of our marriage, and especially since last October when we incorporated ttwd in our relationship, I took it for granted that he has always understood me, and new exactly what I needed when it came to my depression. I believed that he had a choice of stepping up to the plate, or ignoring the situation, and Wednesday evening I assumed that he chose the latter. It’s possible that I need to re evaluate the situation.
Hi. I tried to post a few days ago but I guess it was too long so didn't take. I have just finished reading the above story for the second time and like the first, it hit way to close to home. I am 56 yrs old and have been married nearly 34 yrs, not in a DD relationship. Spanking has been a fantasy dream of mine for many years. During my teens and early 20's I received a few spankings but due to location or situation, they were short. At 33yrs a friend was in town and she recognized the same feelings of rebellion and need that she had had and bent me over a table, giving me 25 with a leather belt. A couple deacons from her church had done that for her. After that time, I managed to hold on to my self fairly well with only a few explosions as I consentrated on raising my children and working in our church.
ReplyDeleteFor the past few years though, I found myself sinking into a deep hole and am now stuck. I take medication for depression but I still have few emotions, neither happy or sad or angry. My husband says I am flat. Anyway, I can sure understand where you go when you sink and you are so lucky to have someone who understands what he needs to do to pull you up.
Being a pastor, he will understand what the Bible says about these issues. Before the pastor I used to work with moved away, he and I talked a lot about things from my past. He was one of the few people that saw past my " happy" mask to the pain inside. I asked him about corporal discipline and he got angry, calling it abuse, and wouldn't talk to me for a few days. He just doesn't understand the deep pain that sits deep inside and colors everything. I do not have the chance of spending a whole day in bed although I try to sleep as long as poosible when I can. I no longer attend church, can't/won't take a chance of talking to someone and getting slapped down again so I do what I have to each day and sleep as much as I can.
Thanks for letting me say these things, knowing you will never know who I am so I am safe,