Often I will go alone in the afternoon. There may be eight or ten men and women sitting around enjoying the afternoon sun in the park, and they will make a place for me on the bench and offer me a beer and a toke of the joint they’re passing. And as tempted as I may be, no, I don’t take either one. But I take comfort in the fact that they feel they can offer it to me without fear of judgment, or repercussions. They know that we are not there to shame them into being who we want them to be, we are there to offer the gospel.
Our people live and move among the people of the neighborhood, living in doorways, congregating an bus stop benches, panhandling on the corners, taking odd jobs at local businesses. We’ll find them washing widows, sweeping storefronts, hanging out in front of the liquor store, picking through the garbage in the alleys, and pooling their money to buy fast food and cigarettes.
Now, being the Pastor’s wife affords me little to no privacy in my neighborhood. No matter what I’m seen doing, there’s a huge chance that it’s going to get back to my husband. If I even take one toke of the weed they offer me in the park, BabyMan will know about it within a day. They may love me, but they'll sell me out to their pastor in a heart beat. Ergo, I've always managed to behave myself where they’re concerned.
A few days ago, I was walking down the main boulevard in the neighborhood and was, at the time, having one of my overwhelming nicotine fits. Happily they have been coming few and far between these days, but when they do, they consume me to the point where I really have to carefully consider whether or not I want to take the belt whipping that is promised me if I smoke. Sometimes it’s no contest. NO! Absolutely not. I’m not getting my rump roasted over a few moments of filling my lungs with tar, and taxing my heart with nicotine. I won’t do it!
And then there are times when my chest is so tight, and my head is aching for it. It’s a combination of my hormonal imbalance, my physical addiction , and an emotional dependency that is leading me to believe that maybe… just maybe…
I noticed a young man standing in the doorway of an apartment building smoking a cigarette, and before I realized it the words had flown out of my mouth. “Do you suppose I could buy one of those from you?”
I must have looked pretty desperate and pathetic, because the guy gave it to me no charge. . Cigarettes cost almost 10 dollars a pack these days, and the only reason he would give one away like that was if he recognized me as the pastor’s wife. I didn’t recognize him, I didn’t think he was from our church, but I couldn’t be sure. We get so many new faces every week and our regulars are always bringing in people they met during the week.
I took the cigarette, thanked him, and shamefully scurried away with it clutched in my fist as though it were priceless. I still had time to think about this. Weigh my options, list the pros and cons, analyze the consequences and consider the most important factor of all. There are a lot of things I'd be willing to endure for a drag of a cigarette. Blood letting, Chinese water torture, being gutted, the iron maiden. But the Belt? Hmmm... something to chew on.
So a couple days later BabyMan and I were in bed chatting away before he has to go to work. Out of the blue he asked me, “So, how are you doing with the smoking thing?”
“What do you mean?” I snapped defensively.
He lifted up on his elbow and glared at me. “You know what I mean. Have the cravings been out of control?”
I can feel myself nervously biting my lip. “It gets a little intense sometimes. But I can control it.”
I can't look at him. He knows something’s up. Why is he asking about this now? He hasn’t mentioned it in weeks. Why now? Does he know something? Did one of our people rat on me?
“You have something to tell me?”
“No, of course not!” Honest. I promised I’d be honest. “Ok… ok… ok maybe…”
“Tell me.”
“I… I bought a cigarette from some guy off the street.”
“You what?”
“Actually I offered to pay for it and he gave it to me.”
“Did you smoke it?”
“No! I swear I didn’t! It was a Camel! I couldn’t smoke it. They hurt my lungs too much.” I was almost panicky. I’m not getting spanked for something I didn’t do.
“Where is the cigarette now?”
“I through it in the toilet.”
His eyes narrowed incredulously. “Are you telling me you had a nicotine fit, got a free cigarette, and threw it away because it wasn’t your brand?”
Frankly the way he said it, I wouldn’t have believed me if I were him. But it was the truth! “Yes! That’s exactly what I’m saying! I’m not lying!” Dammit, not only was my butt on the line, but so was my credibility, and this wasn't sounding so good. “Listen, If I’m going to get the belt for smoking, I sure as hell ain’t gonna smoke a cigarette I can’t enjoy.”
He stared at me for a long time, and I stared right back at him with all the conviction of a woman with perfect integrity. "I believe you,” he finally said.
I let out a sigh of relief and felt my heart begin to calm it’s beat.

Ah, the pressures of being the pastor's wife.
Sometimes SugarAnne, when you want to quit something and you are so ashamed and you want someone to help you through it, you can't find someone you can trust...
ReplyDeleteTrust is something even with the person you love that is a very very important.
So even if you do get an overwhelming urge *trust me i know all abt them* , and you do smoke, then it would be better if you told him and face the belt rather that someone else telling him.
Trust lost is a sad thing even when you are in love! Chose wisely my dear friend...
-hugs Alujna
It must have been hard to throw away a cigarette after going to the trouble of asking for one, good for you!
ReplyDeleteGood for you, SugarAnne!!! Just be sure you throw it away for the right reason. IOW, because you shouldn't do it, not because it was the wrong brand. Also, you can't be too sure others will relay the story to Baby Man just as it really is. Like Alujna said, always be honest w/ BabyMan. She's right, trust is important. Keep the communication lines open and tell him when you're struggling because he might have some encouraging words/suggestions for you.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you didn't surrender. The more you don't yield to the temptation, the less your body will want to tempt you. Stay strong!
Hugs, Kady
Aw, good for you, SugarAnne! I honestly think it's more impressive that you actually had a cigarette in your hand and yet still did not give in to temptation. I mean, granted, maybe you should have never gotten close to one to begin with, but still... IN YOUR HAND! And you flushed it! I'm not sure if BabyMan would see it that way, but he did believe you, so that stands for something!
ReplyDeleteI made a commitment a long time ago to be honest with BabyMan about any failure I happen to have on this issue. I knew that if I took only one puff of that cigarette, I’d have to tell him and get punished for it. Besides, he knows me so well that even if I attempted to keep it from him or lie about it, he’d know. Lying is something I just don’t do very well, and he can read my face like a book. But I’ll remember your advice. I’m still always a little tempted to try to get away with it.
Hey, Girl, long time no see! You know, as desperate as I sometimes am for a cigarette, I have to remain a brand snob. So many brands are just painful to smoke, and I couldn’t see having my lungs and my butt burn for a lousy ten minute high. I have serious doubts as to whether or not I can pass up a smoke that I like and really look forward to.
Welcome! I hope someday I’ll be able to rely on my own strength. But you’re right about confiding in BabyMan when I’m going through a particularly tough time in this area. He’s always helpful in distracting me until the craving passes. It’s when I’m alone that I’m I real danger. I’ve been dealing with this addiction for over 30 years, and I’ve heard from ex smokers that the craving never really goes away completely. Thanks for your encouragement.
Actually avoiding getting close to cigarettes is something that’s always going to be a challenge. They’re everywhere, and frankly I’m surprised that this is the first time I’ve held one in my hot little hand since February. And as for BabyMan believing me… my story sounded so far fetched, I’m surprised. I know I’m going to be in this situation again. Here’s hoping I don’t screw it up next time.
good for you SugarAnne, i'm sure there will come a day when you are not tempted even on the sight of a cigarette!
ReplyDelete-hugs Alujna
I agree, I'm rather impressed that you had the cigarette and didn't give in and smoke it, even if it WAS a Camel. Lol! See, I told you- you are strong! I know how difficult this battle is for you, and I congratulate you on your success. Your doing just fine, believe me. I may have quit over a year ago, but I too, have had my moments of weakness...but, unlike you, I was not as honest about them. I just recently admitted to J that, during a particularly nasty fight e had last year, I had bought and smoked an entire pack of Virginia Slims! Sigh...lol. I admire your tenacity to resist the temptation, even when it was right in the palm of your hand...and more importantly I suppose, your courage to be up front and completely honest with BabyMan.
ReplyDeleteHang in there..
Thanks Alujna,
ReplyDeleteFrom your mouth to God's ear. I don't know if you've ever dealt with this kind of issue before, but as someone studying medicine, I'm sure you're aware that physical addiction will cause uncharacteristic behavior. I too often feel at the mercy of my brain chemistry, and right now, I'm not the one in control. The addiction is. I'm working on it though.
See, this is what I'm afraid of. I'm terrified that I'm going to have such an overwhelming craving that I'm going to shell out the 10 bucks, carve out a place on the beach and smoke an entire pack within the span of a couple of hours. Now that would be worth a belt whipping, LOL!
Hey SugarAnne, good job! You know what that fantasy/fear of smoking the pack on the bench would NOT be worth? The disappointment from yourself and your husband. It ain't worth THAT!
ReplyDeleteSugarAnne, great job on the willpower. Sometimes a moment of pleasure would not be worth the end results...sore backside.
ReplyDeleteI know, I know. I'd feel terrible if I actually broke down and bought a pack. Honestly, I often feel on the verge of doing just that, especially when I'm in Hormone Hell. But when I'm getting close, I'll remember your words. Thanks for the reminder.
Don't be so quick to pat me on the back. The willpower was in place only because that brand of cigarette makes me nauseous. But thanks for being encouraging. There's real willpower in here somewhere.